Web Design Services

The Design process end to end

I will always endeavour to make the process as simple as possible

Lets sit down and discuss your needs | creativeweb-design.co.uk

Initial meet up and chat, Im based in Merseyside I come to you OR can do Zoom or Phone


Sketch down your ideas and requirements typically ...


- Number of pages

- Logos images / photography / videos

- Social Media pages


Go away and produce a rough demo, if you wish to proceed then its 50% of the total cost payable at that point.


Refine and develop and start to add the SEO and required keywords


Every Website is different so therefore price can vary, but a simple website of say 5 or 6 pages can start at £350. My aim is to keep prices as low as possible and build my brand


Secure a Domain Name with an ISP (I tend to use 123-Reg)


Decide on whether a SSL or Non SSL site is required


Publish site and request Indexing from Google at this point remaining agreed balance to be paid


Monitor and improve


Open transparent communication throughout